
We are a group of volunteers dedicated to using technology to improve the lives of the residents of Gainesville, Florida. We partner with the City of Gainesville and other community organizations to deliver technology solutions for free, helping them to expand what services they can offer Gainesville residents. If you are a civic or nonprofit organization that has a technology need, please reach out to us and see if we can help!



What we've done

These are two projects that we completed in 2022.

Resource Finder

myGNV Resource Finder app to connect Gainesville residents to the right community resources.

Work completed by our team. Launching soon.

Reimagine 911

Analyzed publicly available data to provide insights to the City of Gainesville about emergency response.

Utilized the Classifyr app created by the national Code for America organization.


Future Projects

We are working with community partners in the housing and educational spaces to deliver value to Gainesville residents through new projects. Stay tuned, and contact us if you have additional civic technology needs!